When it comes to cooking corned beef brisket, you have got lots of options available in front of you. And, you must be really surprised to hear that cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer is one of the most incredible ways that you have ever come across.
However, to make everything go perfectly, you definitely need to know how to cook corned beef brisket in an air fryer following the right way?
In today’s post, I am going to share a step-by-step guideline on how you can easily cook corned beef brisket in an air fryer without much hassle.
What Is Corned Beef?

Corned beef is usually referred to as a specific type of beef brisket that is more like a hard or tough piece of meat and can be tenderized through a method called the ‘Salt Curing Process’.
In my experience, I have found out that beef brisket is typically a bit tough (hard cut of meat) that usually requires a slow and steady cooking process so that it can become tender and soft. In order to make beef brisket super tender, the method called the ‘Salt Curing Process’ is the one I always love to apply.
At this moment in time, sliced cooked corned beef are available in the local deli that is very often used to prepare Reuben sandwiches. Besides, cans of corned beef are also available in the local super shops that are generally used to prepare Corned Beef & Hash.
However, in order to cook corned beef brisket in an air fryer, I would suggest you to look for the flat cut section of the piece of meat that is cut as corned beef brisket. You can easily find it in the beef-freezing section of your nearby local grocery store. Or, if you want, you can also prepare this type of meat piece in your own kitchen.
Anyway, if you don’t want to face much of a hassle, you can just choose the easier option which is going to your local grocery store. In this case, you have to be a bit CAREFUL, if you really want to cook a perfect corned beef brisket.
Just focus on finding out a plastic package of corned beef brisket where you can see some sort of liquid at the bottom part of the package. Also, there will be a packet for your corned beef brisket seasoning that you can use during the cooking stage of your corned beef brisket.
However, in this process of how to cook corned beef brisket in an air fryer that I am going to describe below, I am not going to use the seasonings according to my own preferences. For your case, you can either choose the seasoning packet or the ones I am going to use in the cooking stage.
Can You Cook A Corned Beef Brisket In An Air Fryer?

When it comes to cooking corned beef brisket at home, for most of you, the most obvious options that come into your mind are cooking corned beef brisket in an oven, crockpot, instant pot, slow cooker, pressure cooker, or on the grill or smoker.
This is why I think it is essential to answer to this vital question – “Can you cook a corned beef brisket in an air fryer?”
To be honest, in my experience, I would say that cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer is the easiest recipe that I have ever tried in my life.
Anyway, the simplest answer to your question is that yes, you can cook a corned beef brisket in an air fryer.
Why Should You Cook Corned Beef Brisket In An Air Fryer?

If you don’t have any earlier experience with cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer, then I must say that you don’t know the advantages of such kind of cooking technique.
Therefore, I think it is essential to let you know about the true benefits of cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer.
- Fast & Quick
If you really don’t have any experience with cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer, then I must tell you the fact that it requires less time than any other traditional method you usually follow for preparing corned beef brisket in your kitchen.
- Nutritious
Another reason for cooking corned beef brisket in the air fryer that will surely surprise you is the nutrition you will get. If you can manage the first cut of corned beef brisket (2 ounces of serving size), it can provide you with 70 calories, 1 gram of saturated fat, 3 grams of total fat, 10 grams of protein, 340 milligrams of sodium, and 1 gram of carbohydrate.
Now, it is crystal clear to you about the nutritional benefits you can get from air-fried corned beef brisket in an air fryer machine.
- Delicious
In my experience, I would tell that there is literally no one who doesn’t like to taste corned beef brisket. And, the best thing about an air fryer is that it literally doubles the overall taste of an air-fried corned beef brisket.
And, who doesn’t like to taste a delicious piece of corned beef brisket!!!
- Easy to Clean
Another great advantage that an air fryer can provide you with is it is easy to clean. In comparison to any other corned beef brisket cooking method, cooking beef brisket in an air fryer machine will help you avoid unnecessary and extra cleaning jobs.
The main reason for that is you will find the job of cleaning an air fryer much easier.
How To Cook Corned Beef Brisket In An Air Fryer? Step By Step Guide

In this section of this discussion, I am going to share a step-by-step guideline on how to cook corned beef brisket in an air fryer.
I am totally confident that my step-by-step guideline on cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer will be helpful for both newcomers as well as expert kitcheners.
Ingredients You Will Need
In order to air fry corned beef brisket in an air fryer machine, the very first thing you have to do is to arrange all the required ingredients.
Remember that if you fail to arrange the right combination of the seasonings, the end result can be somewhat disastrous.
In the following, I will list the seasonings I normally use while air frying corned beef brisket in the air fryer:
- Corned Beef Brisket (3 – 4 pounds).
- Dijon mustard.
- Brown sugar.
- Apple cider vinegar.
Steps To Cook Corned Beef Brisket In Air Fryer
It is going to be the most important section of this entire discussion about air frying corned beef brisket in an air fryer.
Step 1
In the FIRST step of cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer, you have to preheat your air fryer machine for a period of 3 to 5 minutes. In some cases, this preheating duration may vary and it normally depends on the type of air fryer machine you have in your kitchen.
However, I would always suggest you to preheat your air fryer machine for at least 3 minutes.
Step 2
When you set your air fryer machine for preheating, you can start preparing the seasonings for your corned beef brisket. The procedure of preparing the seasonings for corned beef brisket is indeed very much simple.
Take a small bowl and start mixing Dijon mustard, brown sugar, and apple cider vinegar together and keep the bowl aside after mixing them properly.
Step 3
Now, it is time to take your corned beef brisket from the freezer and remove the packet of the seasonings that you have got with the beef brisket packet.
Step 4
In this step, you have to rinse the meat pieces using cold & fresh water. While rinsing the beef brisket, you have to make sure that you rise both sides (top & bottom part) of the beef brisket.
This rinsing procedure is one of the most efficient procedures that will remove any kind of salty brine that is stick to the top or bottom surface of your beef brisket.
Step 5
When you are done with the rinsing procedure, it is time to place the meat pieces on a fresh and dry plate. Then you have to start patting the beef brisket using a dry and fresh towel. In this case, you have to make sure that the towel sho0uld be soft in nature.
According to my experience with cooking beef brisket, I would suggest you to do the patting thing a couple of times because it will make the drying procedure nice and perfect.
Step 6
In this step, you have to use a pastry brush for brushing the beef brisket with the mixture that you have already prepared in STEP 2.
When the brushing thing is done, you have to quickly wrap your corned beef brisket using a good-quality foil paper.
Note: Don’t use all of the mixture or glaze because you need to use it later while cooking your corned beef brisket in the air fryer machine.
Step 7
Now, it is time to keep your corned beef brisket in your air fryer to cook it for 1 straight hour.
Step 8
When 1 hour of cooking is done, you have to unwrap the foil paper over the corned beef brisket in a careful manner in order to check the top portion and sides of the meat piece. In this case, you have to keep in mind that it is not a good idea to unwrap the entire foil paper.
Actually, you have to unwrap the foil paper in a way so that you can just check the sides and top part of the corned beef brisket.
Step 9
In this step, you have to brush the remaining half of the glaze or mixture on the top of the corned beef brisket and then close the foil paper just like it was at the initial stage.
Step 10
Now, it is time to keep the beef brisket again into your air fryer machine in order to cook the corned beef brisket for an additional 40 to 45 minutes.
After the mentioned period, you have to unwrap the top portion of the foil paper and then brush the remaining marinade on the top part of the corned beef brisket.
Step 11
Now, it is time to keep the beef brisket again in the air fryer, but this time you have to keep the top of the foil pouch opened.
Step 12
At this point, you have to increase the temperature of your air fryer machine to 400-degree Fahrenheit and then cook your corned beef brisket for another 8 to 10 minutes. Or, you can also cook it until the top portion or the glaze becomes caramelized.
Step 13

In this FINAL step, you have to take the corned beef brisket out of the air fryer machine and then keep it aside for 10 minutes.
Before you take any step to serve, it would be better to slice the corned beef brisket because it will keep the meat tender, soft and juicy.
How Long To Cook Corned Beef In Air Fryer?

Since it’s one of the most delicious food items that is well-appreciated by foodies of all types and ages, so it is essential to have a piece of complete knowledge regarding how long does it take to cook corned beef brisket.
In this case, the first thing I would like to tell you is that when it comes to cooking a perfect corned beef brisket in an air fryer, the most important thing to focus on is the timing.
If you don’t have the appropriate idea about the cooking time or duration, you can’t expect to enjoy a delicious corned beef brisket cooked in an air fryer machine.
So, each time you take any attempt to cook corned beef brisket in an air fryer, you have to make sure that the cooking time remains perfect.
In order to cook corned beef brisket in the air fryer, you may need a total of 2 hours. This is the maximum amount of hours that you may require, but this time may vary depending on the air fryer you have in your kitchen.
At the very beginning, you have to cook the corned beef brisket for 1 hour. Then, you have to cook the brisket for another 40-45 minutes. And, finally, you have to cook the beef brisket for 8 – 10 minutes.
So, it clearly tells us that cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer may require around 2 hours max.
How To Slice Corned Beef Brisket?

Before you serve the cooked corned beef brisket, I have suggested you to slice the meat pieces so that they can be tender, soft, and juicy. But it is also essential for you to have a thorough idea on how to slice corned beef brisket.
Prior you cut the corned beef brisket, you have to rest the cooked beef brisket for a period of 10 minutes. Such a duration will allow your corned beef brisket to get and hold the moisture in order to make it more delicious.
Then you have to start slicing the meat and, in this case, you have to slice the beef brisket against the grain to make the meat pieces more tender. Remember that if you slice the beef brisket with the grain, it can make the cooked corned beef brisket tough.
How To Store Corned Beef Brisket Leftover?

It is quite natural that you may have corned beef brisket leftover and you may want to store it in the best possible way.
In my experience, I would like to suggest you to keep the leftover beef brisket in your fridge or refrigerator for a maximum period of 3 days and after that period, you will be the one who would be thinking about the QUALITY.
On the other hand, if you plan to freeze your meat, then you have to keep the meat in a freezer-friendly box or container in the first place and then you can keep it in the freezer for up to 3 months.
However, you need to take the meat out of the freezer the night before you plan to cook your corned beef brisket.
FAQs – Air Fryer Corned Beef Brisket
What is the best temperature to cook corned beef?
The temperature to cook corned beef may vary because it mainly depends on the type of kitchen appliance you would prefer while cooking corned beef brisket in your kitchen.
I would say that it generally takes around 2 hours to cook corned beef brisket and the temperature of the air fryer is around 400-degree Fahrenheit.
Do you rinse corned beef before cooking?
Whether you use any store-bought corned beef brisket or the one you have cured on your own, I would recommend you to rinse the meat a couple of times under cool and fresh water in order to remove any kind of excess salt.
In this case, don’t you worry about the flavor of the meat because by this time the beef brisket is infused with the actual flavor.
How do you know when corned beef brisket is done?
When you cook corned beef, it is vital to know the actual timing when the corned beef brisket is finished cooking.
When the internal temperature of the beef brisket becomes 145-degree Fahrenheit, it is confirmed that your corned beef brisket is done. However, you can cook it for a longer period if you want to make it fork-tender.
How many minutes per pound does it take to cook a corned beef?
It generally takes around 45 to 50 minutes per pound to cook a corned beef.
Final Words
So, I have reached in the ending part of this discussion on how to cook corned beef brisket in an air fryer.
In the above discussion, I have tried to discuss everything related to cooking corned beef brisket in an air fryer machine.
I believe that my step-by-step guideline regarding how to cook a perfect corned beef brisket in the air fryer will help you give the information you have been looking for.
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